Bristol's Twin Cities

Bristol has many established twinning associations, maintaining friendships with cities from across the world.

Following the aftermath of the Second World War, Bristol citizens reached out in friendship to cities in Europe devastated by the conflict. In 1947 this resulted in two of the first-ever formal, twinning relationships in the UK. Hannover and Bordeaux entered into twinning agreements with Bristol within months of each other, and these still thrive to this day.

Focusing on practical support in the early years – for example, sending clothing or food – these relationships have developed into cultural, economic, sporting and educational exchanges. All three cities benefit from the strong links forged more than 75 years ago, with many schools, associations, sports clubs, musicians, researchers and businesses visiting each other’s cities every year. Many of the visitors are hosted by local families, getting to know the local customs, language and culture, resulting in lasting friendships.

Bristol is also twinned with other cities:

  • Oporto in Portugal – since 1984, building bridges between our two cities
  • Tbilisi in Georgia – since 1988, supported by the Bristol Tbilisi Association
  • Puerto Morazan in Nicaragua – a friendship dating back to 1989
  • Beira in Mozambique – providing practical benefits to communities since 1990
  • Guangzhou in China – the West of England China Bureau has worked to connect the two cities since 2001

Find out more about Bristol’s twinning associations and their work on the Bristol City Council website.